
Sunday, January 06, 2008

UK Bishop: Multiculturalism Creating `No Go' Areas For Non-Muslims

Michael Nazir-Ali, the Pakistani born Church of England bishop of Rochester told the Daily Telegraph today that Islamic extremism in Britain has created communities that are "no-go areas" for non-Muslims.

"There has been a worldwide resurgence of the ideology of Islamic extremism. One of the results of this has been to further alienate the young from the nation in which they were growing up and also to turn already separate communities into `no-go' areas where adherence to this ideology has become a mark of acceptability," said Nazir-Ali.

"Those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work there because of hostility to them," he said.

Imam Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain replied "It's irresponsible for a man of his position to make these comments...He should accept that Britain is a multicultural society in which we are free to follow our religion at the same time as being extremely proud to be British. We wouldn't allow 'no-go' areas to happen."

Perhaps, but polls indicate that yopunger Muslims in Britain incrasingly consider themselves Muslims first, with diminished loyalty towards their home country. And I've already read a number of accounts of non-Muslim women in certain areas donning a hijab when they go outdoors so they won't be harassed, and attacks on Jews are sharply on the rise in the UK.

As the percentage of Britain's Muslim population approaches France,I can almost guarantee you that the British will see certain areas with the same atmosphere as the banlieus in France, if nothing changes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    'already separate communities into `no-go' areas ...

    "Those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work there because of hostility to them," he said.'

    Know what this is? it's conquest! Ha Ha Ha
