
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Watcher's Council Nominations, 1/29/08

Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one from the Council members and one from outside for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week's Council nominations can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels

Do take the time and check out the non-Council links..they are always rewarding.

Energy Independence -- What It Am And What It Ain't
Joshuapundit - Ah, the chimera of energy independence so beloved of politicians and pundits and never attained! In this piece, I discuss what it actually is, what it could and couldn't do, why it won't end the War on Jihad, how to achieve it in the space of perhaps four or five years with proven technology and resources we have available now....and why we haven't done it yet.

A Shot in the Dark
Done With Mirrors - Callimachus meditates on the futility of trying to write an editorial for his liberal paper on gun control, and weighs the arguments pro and con. One thing he might wish to consider is that restricting gun ownership only means that criminals will still have them and simply be facing an unarmed populace. There are two countries I'm familiar with that not only readily allow their citizens to own handguns and rifles but actually mandate many of their citizens having military assault weapons and ordnance accessible in their homes - and both Switzerland and Israel have two of the lowest homicide rates on the planet.

Soccer Dad - Soccer Dad has a interesting piece that points out quite tellingly that when the media pontificates that Hamas `won the PR war' in the recent confrontation in Gaza with Israel, they conveniently forget to mention that they were complicit in that victory by cheerfully allowing themselves to be manipulated by Hamas propaganda.

Orwell's Britain Is Halal Toast
Wolf Howling - GW documents the head-in-the sand attitude towards Islamist extremism by Britain's Labour government in worshiping the G-d of multiculturalism. This latest manifestation of dhimmi-itis in the UK involves the new officially mandated PC description of Islamist terrorism as `un-Islamic activity'. We've already seen a few symptoms of this disease here. Newspeak indeed!

About Those "Lies"
The Colossus of Rhodey - Hube writes about a George Soros funded `non-partisan' study conducted on statements made by President Bush and administration prior to the invasion of Iraq that counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. Hube fisks the study and finds it wanting...but people like Keith Olberman and others with a terminal case of Bush Derangement Syndrome are unlikely to want to be confused with things like facts.

State of the Union, 2008
The Glittering Eye - Dave Schuler writes about President Bush as well, looking at last nights' State Of The Union speech by the current occupant of the White House. I gather that like me, he was less than impressed. Dave looks at the state of the union from where he sits and finds much to be concerned about.

The Media, Richard Scaife, and the Never Ending Soros Connection
Bookworm Room - Ms. Bookworm likewise has a fine take on the Soros funded `non-partisan' study of the Bush Administrations' supposed misstatements on Iraq. I particularly enjoyed her likening Soros to a large, malevolent spider, trickling his ill gotten money down the filaments of his web.....which in fact is quite accurate. Another bonus for those who were unaware is Bookworm's rundown on Soros' connection with Barack Obama and Obama's malevolent far left and anti-Israel foreign policy advisors.

Quote of the Day: Prez Bill Edition
Cheat Seeking Missiles - Laer uses a piece by Bruce Feirstein in Vanity Fair as a jump off point to examine the phenomenon of Mr. Bill unleashed, and to have some fun with the Left discovering their idol's flaws. Personally, I find Mr. Bill's behavior to be entirely in character..if `character' is a proper word to use in the same sentence with a mention of our ex-president.

The ACLU: Senator Craig's Newest Pals
The Education Wonks - Edwonk has a delicious time excoriating the ACLU for taking on the case of Senator Larry Craig on the grounds that - get this - people who seek and or perform sex in public restrooms have a reasonable expectation of privacy!

Repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment
Rhymes With Right- The Twenty-Second Amendment is the one passed by after the death of Franklin Roosevelt that mandates a maximum of two terms for a president. Greg wants it repealed, partially because he's upset at the phenomenon of Billary. Far better, he reasons, to be out in the open.

The GOP Comes A’Courtin’
Right Wing Nut House -In his piece this week, Rick Moran is living proof of the truth in Peggy Noonan's latest column, that George W. Bush destroyed the Reagan coalition and shattered the Republican Party into warring bits in his second term on spending, Big Government,the prosecution of the war, illegal aliens and a host of other issues, (albeit with help from certain congressmen) and left a mess for others to clean up.

How to Lie About Lying
Big Lizards - Daffyd likewise writes about the Soros funded Iraq study, in minute detail.

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