
Friday, January 25, 2008

Watcher's council results. 1/25/08

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels

This weeks' winner is:

Done With Mirrors: Liberal Fascism A critique and review of Jonah Goldber's book of the same title by Callimachus.

In second place, we had an unbelievable 7 place tie, with :

'I Have A Dream' -- The Democrat's Version by Joshuapundit

Hillanomix 101 by Wolf Howling

The Radicalization of American Politics by The Glittering Eye

Grim Choices Confront GOP by Right Wing Nut House

Di Caprio Lies and Hustles Bucks by Cheat Seeking Missiles

Our Out of Control Borders: Who's Accountable? by The Education Wonks

What Is "Freedom"? by The Colossus of Rhodey

For non-Council, the winner was:

Iowahawk: Bylines of Brutality th eclear winner, Iowahawks hilarious satire that practices turnabout on journalistic musings on `psychotic veterans'.

In second place for non-Council, we had another tie between:

It's All Israel's Fault by my nominee, Council alumnus Gates of Vienna


About the Anarcholibertarians by The QandO Blog

Hearty Kudos to all the winners and the participants for some great writing!

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