
Monday, January 28, 2008

Well Worth Reading, 1/28/08

Here are a few tidbits well worth the consideration of Joshua's Army members:

Fool Me Thrice by Christopher Hitchens In which he explains why it's no surprise that the Clintons pulled out the race card in Campaign `08.

Hillary's Brown Firewall by Bob Novak I have my disagreements with Bob Novak, but he's the consumate Washington insider who knows his way around politics. Here, he agrees with yours truly that the Clintons have deliberately strategized to exploit the racial animosity between blacks and Latinos.

Iraq's Number 1 Problem, by Bing West and Max Boot A decent analysis of what could trip up our progress in Iraq by August..a lack of political will to share power by the Maliki government.

Bill Clinton, Spouse In Chief by Rick Moran Fellow Council member Rick Moran from Right Wing Nuthouse muses over Bill Clinton's possible role as `first laddy'.

First They Came For Piglet, by Mark Steyn Mark Steyn does a masterful piece on excessive deference to Islam - or should I say, Islamic rage...

The Muslims of Europe Charter by Gates Of ViennaBaron Bodissey once again shows whyhe's one of my favorite bloggers. In this superb piece, he roots out the real meaning behind a sharia-licious document called “The Muslims of Europe Charter”. represnting a joint statement by about 400 European Muslim organizations. A must read.

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