
Friday, February 08, 2008

Watcher's Council Results, 2/08/08

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels

This week's winner was A Short Hitch by Done With Mirrors, a piece I thought was superb on the origins, causes and historical feedback of the American Civil War.

In second place was The Most Ridiculous Story of 2008? Part 2 byCheat Seeking Missiles, Laer's fine entry disposing of a hysterical rant in favor of Barack Obama.

In the non-Council category the winner was Changing the Organizational Culture (Updated) by Small Wars Journal, an interesting piece on winning the war of ideas by a change in attitudes and the organizational culture in our Army.

In second place, we had "Mass Producers of Distortion" by EU Referendum, a nice rant by my blogpal Richard on the dinosaur media.

Hearty congratulations not only to the winners, but to the rest of the entrants.

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