
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

McCain Kicks A Hezbollah Supporter To The Curb

Unlike a certain other presidential candidate I could mention, Senator John McCain appears to have an instinctive way of dealing with supporters of America's enemies when they try to latch on his campaign...even well-connected ones.

Debbie Schlussel gets full marks for a wonderfully detailed exclusive in her home state of Michigan:

Over the past week, I spent far less time writing for this website than planned. Instead, I spent hours on the phone with John McCain staffers and key supporters in Michigan to right a mistake.

And, unlike the Barack Obama who clings to anti-Semites and terrorism supporters, John McCain did the right thing: He dumped Ali Jawad--an open Hezbollah supporter and key agent of the terrorist group in the Detroit area. Jawad is also a federal insurance fraud convict.

I congratulate John McCain and his campaign because they proved that McCain truly is a maverick and independent of the Republican establishment who brought Mr. Jawad to his campaign. McCain's Michigan and national staff have shown courage in bucking what is a sad trend on the part of the Michigan Republican Party: going for pro-Hezbollah Shiite cash and support. Michigan GOPers took lots of money from Jawad

As La Schlussel reveals, Jawad has long time associations with Hezbollah and is related by his brother's marriage into the Safieddine family to both Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and the man Iran has designated as Nasrallah's successor, Hachem Safieddine, who is a member of the Hezbollah ruling council, the Shura Al-Karar.

She then goes on to name names and connect the dots in an extraordinary the whole thing.

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