
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Not The Wright Question

Well, Barack Obama finally got desperate enough to chop off a limb to try and staunch the bloodflow.

The only question is whether he's already lost too much blood for it to work.

I'm speaking, of course, about his reaction to his long time 'spiritual mentor' 'family member' and ex-campaign advisor Jeremiah Wright coming out of the woodwork, literally.

After keeping a low profile for a few weeks and okaying final plans for his mansion, Wright pulled off a trifecta of appearances that apparently seem designed to give Barack Hussein Obama nightmares.

First there was an interview with Uberleftist Bill Moyer on PBS that was so soft,friendly and sensitive that I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Moyers and Wright got a room for themselves in a motel afterwards - with Wright as top man, of course.

Then there was an absolutely disgusting triumphal address to the national convention of the NAACP in Detroit, where thegenial racist and anti-Semite was the guest of honor.

Finally, the was the Rev's appearance at the National Press Club, where his tone, demeanor and crackpot ideas proved that Obama's schtick in Philadelphia complaining about how Wright was being stereotyped by soundbites on You-Tube was nothing but pure horse manure for the Faithful. In truth, the You Tube bits were far too accurate a portrait, and The Philadelphia Speech looks either inane and silly or a major attempt at a con job - depending on how charitable you feel like being. I vote for the second one.

Of course, Obama's spiritual mentor and ex-campaign adviser isn't the issue.

The real question is, what did Obama know, and when did he know it?

Is Jesus II really going to claim that after twenty years sitting in Trinity Church, and interacting intimately with somebody he told us was 'like family' that he just noticed that foul smell in the last few days?

And expect us to believe it?

Trying to put one over on someone is one thing, but insulting their intelligence in the process is something else again.

Of course, if the Obama-ites among us buy that he was somehow oblivious to Wright's ideas, then his basic judgement is too screwed to even think of letting him anywhere near the White House.

Take your pick.

As a visual aid in making the decision, notice Obama's stumbling, off-key, embarrassed delivery. Jesus II has never been much good without his teleprompter and a lot of rehearsal, but here, he's exibiting all the signs of being caught in an obvious lie....and that became even more obvious later on, when the questions started coming at him.

1 comment:

  1. As to whether or not he expects us to believe him, I can't say, but I would say that he hopes we will believe him. And his faithful will believe him, along with many in the media. The true believers in any faith rarely are willing to honestly question that faith. I suspect the reason for such lack of questioning is because they fear that if they do they will lose their faith. Obama has run by almost presenting himself as a cult figure and therefore his true followers will never admit to themselves that he is simply a politician with all the usual warts that any politician has: a politician who has few achievements to recommend him for the office he is seeking.

    My assessment of Sen. Obama is that he deliberately joined his church as a means of developing 'Street Cred' within the black community, overlooking the fact that by doing so it would limit his potential outside of that community. I further think he was well aware of Wright's message, but at least partially agrees with some of it if not all of it. In short, I think Wright was right when he said that Sen. Obama did what a politician had to do when he attempted to distance himself from Wright. And the result of joining that church would have continued to help him had he been willing to limit himself to being a senator, but when he decided to step out of his small pond, where he was accepted and successful, and move into the bigger pond of national politics, that calculated decision now becomes an anchor around his neck. That anchor may even cost him the nomination, but even if it doesn't it will hurt him badly in the general election. I could be very wrong, but I doubt that Sen. Obama can win the general election in a year when the Democrats should win easily.

    In the end he may prove a blessing since he has brought to the fore the racism of many in the black community and doing so will either advance racial understanding or set it back a long way. Only time will tell. I would hope that it would advance racial understanding and reconciliation, but fear it will only polarize it even more.
