
Monday, April 21, 2008

Pakistan Frees Jihadist Leader As The Post-Musharraf Era Begins..

US ally President Pervez Musharraf has been marginalized in Pakistan..and the new Islamist, anti-American ruling coalition is already making changes:

Pakistani government in the country's northwest is set to free a top militant leader shortly after over six years in detention in a reconciliation process with the militants, a government spokesman said Monday.

Maulana Sufi Muhammad is the founder of 'Tehreek-e- Nafaz-e- Shariat-e-Mohammadi' (TSNM), a Pakistani organization which aims to strictly enforce Sharia in the country, was arrested in late 2001 after he was returning from Afghanistan.

Sufi Muhammad had crossed into Afghanistan along with hundreds of his supporters to help Taliban in fight against the Americans and foreign forces.

The TSNM, who had been operating in the North-West Frontier province,was banned by President Pervez Musharraf.

Sufi Mohammad encouraged and organized thousands of people to fight against the western powers invading Afghanistan at the time of the downfall of the Taliban in 2001.


"The release of Sufi Muhammad will help in containing violence," Zahid Khan, information secretary of the ruling Awami National Party in the northwest said.

Khan said that the release of Sufi Muhammad is the first step and talks are underway with the militants to free other people as part of the reconciliation process.

All of these 'militants' will likely be coordinating attacks on allied forces in Afghanistan once they're freed.

The geni's out of the bottle, and remember...these people already have nukes.

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