
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Short Takes: Worth Reading, 7/15/08

Short takes is my way of cramming a lot into a small space for you..kind of like the young gentleman above is doing! Here's a brief rundown of some of today's items of interest for Joshua's Army:

*Ex-British PM Tony Blair cancelled a sceduled trip to Hamastan today because of a "specific security threat to assassinate him.This was supposed to be Blair's first trip to Gaza, where he was supposed to tour an internationally-funded waste water treatment plant and rub elbows with UN and other dignitaries.

In a way, it's only poetic justice. Tony Blair was one of the EU dignitaries who made the pilgrimage to Ramallah to lay a wreath on the crypt covering St. Arafat's rotting corpus... only one year after three US American consular officials were murdered in Gaza in 2004 on Arafat's orders.

For the record, according to H.R. 2293, passed by the US Congress, all aid to the Palestinian Authority was supposed to have been curtailed until the killers of those three Americans were brought to justice. Although both Mahmoud Abbas and the head of Fatah's Security have admitted that the killers are known, due to the "sensitivity of the situation" no one has yet been punished for this crime.

*The Pentagon is not among those discounting the Iranian threat after Iran's ludicrous photo shopped missile test. I would imagine the Israelis aren't either.

In a related story, Senator Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and Richard Shelby, R-Ala., the panel's senior Republican, announced an agreement to expand US sanctions on Iran.

*Remember the case of the infamous `Jumpin' Imams', who were removed from a US Airways flight after behavior that would make any rational person suspicious? As you know, backed by CAIR and the ACLU they brought suit against the company, charging racism and profiling. That trial is now in its discovery phase, and believe it or not Omar Mohammedi, attorney for the imams, and President of the Board of Directors for the New York Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding that US Airways release all information on ?airline security procedures.

Most of the members of Joshua's Army will of course quickly realize that this was a major reason for the entire episode of the imam's curious behavior in the first place - to obtain espionage and extract intel on airline security in a particularly foolproof way if the judge bends over for it.

No word yet on whether CAIR and the imams have been successful at this yet.

* The Canadian Courts have allowed the deportation of US deserter Robin Long back to the United States, which unfortunately means we have to take him back. The court ruling, boiled down to basics could be summarized as: "Don't throw your garbage up here, eh!"

This is a landmark ruling, which will either lead to a number of US deserters being deported or an influx of these people out of Canada to other countries...either of which I'm sure the Canadians are just fine with.

*John McCain is having a fine time mocking Obama for editing surge criticism out of his website... Hey, change, suckah! Don't you hate that stuff when it happens?

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