
Monday, July 28, 2008

Short Takes: Worth Reading, 7/28/08

Short takes is my way of cramming a lot into a small space for you..kind of like the young gentleman above is doing! Here's a brief rundown of some of today's items of interest for Joshua's Army:

4 female bombers strike in Iraq, killing 57 - The attacks were directed at Shi'ite religious centers and at a Kurdish political rally in Kirkuk. Using women as homicide bombers is a growing trend in Iraq, because of cultural norms and because the women are able to hide the explosives under their Islamic robes,(abayas) and can often get past checkpoints without a search.

To counter this latest tactic, the U.S. military has stepped up recruitment and training efforts for women in the police force and as members of U.S.-allied Sunni Awakening groups in Iraq.

In other Iraq news General David Petraeus is apparently not in agreement with Senator Barack Obama'a plan for a publicly mandated timetable for American troop withdrawal. He wants to make any troop withdrawals based on conditions on the ground at a given time. Interesting how that worked out..

A Third of UK Muslim Students: Okay to Kill for Islam That's according to a study produced by YouGov for the Centre for Social Cohesion. "Significant numbers appear to hold beliefs which contravene democratic values," said Hannah Stuart, one of the report’s authors. "These results are deeply embarrassing for those who have said there is no extremism in British universities."

The research also found that a third of Muslim students supported the creation of a world-wide caliphate or Islamic state and prefer sharia to British law.

I personally would guess that the numbers are skewed to the low side, given the Islamist advocacy of the Muslim practice of taqiya( dissemblement) to infidels.

Istanbul rocked by bomb attacks - as the Turkish Supreme Court ponders a case for outlawing the ruling Isalamist AKP party. 17 people were killed. This is being blamed on the Kurdish PKK, but I have a feeling that the attacks came from the Islamist factions in Turkey, as the battle between the secularists and Islamists heats up.

When all else fails, go with Ol' Reliable...The UN blames Israelfor Gaza's 'poverty'. Just imnagine what Hamas could do for its people if they recognized Israel, engaged in an economic relationship with the Jewish State and stopped spending all that money on armaments.
But of course That Would be Wrong.

Jay Cost on Obama's Mixed Messianic Messaging: Can He Be a "Man of the People" if He's Selling Himself as a Superheroic Son of God Himself? One of America's better political analysts examines a basic contradiction of the Obama campaign...and how it might effect things come November.

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