
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

North Korea Ends Its Nuclear Disarment

Yet another of US Secretary of State Condi Rice's diplomacy toy balloons seems to have popped, as North Korea says it has halted it's nuclear reactor disablementat it's facility at Yongbyon.

Just two months ago, the US State Department was trumpeting a new agreement withthese people when the North Koreans blew up the cooling tower as a symbolic act to show their acceptance of the agreement to dismantle their nuclear program in exchange for economic aid and being removed from the US terrorism watch list.

The agreement hit the same snags as every other agreement does with these people...verification that they're actually keeping up their end of the deal.
It was problems with the verification process that led to North Korea not being removed from the list, which is North Korea's alibi for ending the process of dismantling their nukes.

At this point, they're threatening to simply resume where they left off.


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I'm not sure how the US is going to prevent Borth Korea from getting nuclear weapons. Eonomic sanctions, even if we could get formal agreement from the world on them, are unlikely to be effective. North Korea's economy is supposedly already a basket case and the Russians and the Chinese would simply undermine the major aspects of any economic sanctions any way. As such, sanctions will unlikely be effective and, in fact, might even be counterproductive.

    Why would North Korea want to be removed from the US terrorism watch list? As long as they are on this list, they get goodies from Iran, Russia, china, and other terrorist supporting states. They also get goodies from the United States trying to ge tthem to stop supporting Islamic terrorism!! If they ever stoppoed building nuclear weapons and if they stopped supporting Islamic terrorism all of these goodies they get would dry up, at least the ones from their terrorist friends would.

    A military invasion does not seem to be a good option. It seems unlikely that the US has either men or the equipment to be able to effectively execute a conventional invasion of North Korea.

    I would suggest one of the following solutions to this problem. 1.)Withdraw all US troops and support personnel from the Korean penensula within six months or as fast as they can be safely withdrawn so as not to compromise South Korean security.

    As this is done, the US should give some of its most advanced nuclear weapons along with the delivery systmes to South Korea and we should share with South Korea blue prints for the manufacture of more of these most advanced nuclear weapons along with the delivery systems for these weapons. This should be done with the expectations that South Korea will manufacture many more of these. Also, North Korea may have to increase the size and capabilites of its conventional forces. A nuclear armed South Korea should be able to provide an excellent detterent to North Korea and US troops would be able to leave. This should help our position with the locals. Having a large contingent of US troops in South Korea has sometimes been a source of friction between the South Koreans and America. We don't need that right now.

    2.)Unfortunately a large number of South Korean military officers beleive the United States to be their number one enemy. Approximately 33% according to one poll I read about. The other 33% properly recognize North Korea as the main enemy. I suppose the other 33% are undecided. US troops and all support personnel should be removed from South Korea straight away. While the North Koreans may have a dozen or so nuclear weaopns, the US has over 2,000 along with the delivery systmes to deliever them any where in the world. It should be explained in no uncertain terms to the North Koreans that any use of nuclear weapons against the US or its interests by North Kprea or a North Korean ally will result in the complete destruction of North Korea.

    Using this option the ungrateful wretchs in the South Korean military who feel the US is their enemy can be left to fend for themselves against North Korea. There chances of surviving and winnin a war against North Korea without American assistance are likely very remote. We've spent allot of money and shed a great deal of blood in the Korean war to help defend these people. Any way that is not our problem now the only way we get involved is if America itself or other American interests are atttacked by North Korea or its allies.

    I prefer option 1. By helping the South Koreans arm themselves with nuclear weapons we should have a valuable buffer between us and North Korea. American troops could withdraw. This should allieveate much of the friction between us and them and it should help solidify relations between us and a valuable ally.

    If we are going to meet the threats of the
    21st century which are a resurgent Russia, China, and Islamic terrorist supporting states we are going to need to work together. In order to do this, it would be helpful to have strong allies.

  2. "the ungrateful wretchs in the South Korean military who feel the US is their enemy can be left to fend for themselves against North Korea"

    Marxists/etc get away with a lot and win a lot of converts because while they do stuff at least as bad as Nazis do, they always say "We are doing it to help the people". Those words alone win over millions who are willing to overlook actions for the slim hope offered by a Great Leader who says he is going to save, feed, clothe, enrich, and house them all.

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    No, doubt they're looking for another pay-off to shut down their nuclear program again!
