
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama Campaign Threatens Talk Radio Station

The latest target in the sites of Team Obama is award winning journalist Stanley Kurtz as the campaign threatened a talk radio station in an attempt to keep a so-called 'right-wing hatchet man' off the air. Kurtz, as you'll remember, just happens to be the journalist investigating the ties between Obama and Leftist ex-terrorist Bill Ayers though the Annenburg Challenge program by going through the archives at the University of Chicago. Just a coincidence...or more evidence that there's something there Obama really doesn't want the American people finding out. Hmmmm...over $100M of the taxpayer's money spent with no accounting and no discernable improvement in the Chicago public schools...there might just be a story there.

"WGN radio is giving right-wing hatchet man Stanley Kurtz a forum to air his baseless, fear-mongering terrorist smears," Obama's campaign wrote in an e-mail to supporters. "He's currently scheduled to spend a solid two-hour block from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. pushing lies, distortions, and manipulations about Barack and University of Illinois professor William Ayers."

Oh,by the way, you can listen to the interview with Kurtz here: WGN Radio - Extension 720 Unabridged - 720 WGN - 8-27-08. Th eObama campaign was invited to have a spokesperson appear on the show and declined, but it's obvious the campaign mustered a lot of Obama-ites to call in and they're most entertaining...if a little incoherent at times .


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    now correct me if i'm wrong here:
    back in 2004 when ryan and hussein were running for the US senate, hussein via his insular layer called the chicago tribune, had the details of ryan's divorce, that had been sealed, unsealed, causing people to see him as the douche bag he was/is and forcing him from the race.
    now if a divorce proceeding should be public record, should not the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars be accounted for in the same transparent manner?
    this sounds like a case of hypocrisy on steroids. or do i have it all wrong?

  2. You have it exactly right Louie.

    You see, Mr. Bill actually got something right for a change when he referred to Obama as a 'Chicago thug.'
