
Friday, September 05, 2008

Watcher's Council Results, 9/04/08

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

Among the Council members, the winner was Wolf Howling - Palin in Comparison - GW's amusing photo essay comparing the qualifications of Barack Obama and Sarah Palin for high office. In second place was my piece ,
The End Game In Iraq , an examination of what we accomplished there, as well aas what we didn't.

Also getting votes was The Colossus of Rhodey - The inanity begins with Bristol Palin .

Among the non-Council entries, the winner was The Anchoress - Obama, McCain, Palin & generosity

There was a three way tie for second between Elder of Ziyon - “Rachel Corrie” - the video which was my nominee, Meryl - Women and Sarah Palin and Outside the Beltway - Obama’s Acceptance Speech: The More Things CHANGE, The More They Remain the Same

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to the participants.

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