
Friday, September 12, 2008

Watcher's Council Results, 9/12/08

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

Among the Council members, the winner again this week was Wolf Howling for Standing At The Crossroads - Identity Politics, Multiculturalism & The Melting Pot a fine exposition that is pretty much about what it sounds like.

Coming in second was Soccer Dad's analysis of the selectionof Governor Palin as McCain's running mate , An exceptional choice

Also getting votes was The Game Changer - Duty, Honor, Country from right here.

Among the non-Council entries, the winner was Beldar Blog for Don’t Confuse Republicans’ thrill over the Palin nomination with the Dems’ worship of Obama: A reply to Paul Mirengoff -

There was a for second between Real Clear Politics: The Media’s ‘Due Dilligence’ and EU Referendum: The Awkwardness Of Truth.

My nomination, Front Page Magazine's Interview with Alec Rawls at Frontpage did not garner much in the way of votes from the Council, but I recommend to your attention as it deals with the attempts of Islamists to hijack the proposed monument inPennsylvania to the heroes of Flight 93 and actually make it a commemoration of the jihadis who perpetrated 9/11.

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to the participants.

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