
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Mourning For The Mother

The above video is of a broadcast shown throughout shows little two-year old Moshe Holtzberg, the sole survivor of the Muslim attack on the Mumbai Chabad House crying for his murdered parents at their funeral.

The video is in Hebrew, but you won't need a translation. The first part is at the funeral and shows little Moshe screaming for his mother ("eema" in Hebrew). The child obviously knows what has happened. The Rabbi with the white beard speaking is Rivka Holtzberg's father after he buried his daughter.

The second part contains photos of what was left of the Chabad House in Mumbai after the atrocity committed there..including a Torah scroll with bullet holes in it. I never want to hear a Muslim whine again about desecrating a Qu'ran or a mosque...especially since few of them have seen fit to comment on what was done to this Jewish house of worship or to the genuinely good people inside it.(HY"D).

I had mixed feelings about putting this up, but I think it's necessary to see it. It will undoubtedly haunt you, as it does me. And some of you may just be moved to help with this poor child's material needs .

To those members of Joshua's Army who are Jews, I expect you to watch this and realize that all the earnest attempts at appeasement and 'interfaith dialog' mean absolutely nothing. You had better wake up and get your priorities in order...and that goes for all of us.

Hat tip to Carl In Jerusalem...

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