
Friday, December 26, 2008

Watcher's Council Results, 12/26/08

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

Among the Council members, the winner this week was The Razor for The Symbol of Oppression .

In second place we had a tie between Joshuapundit for Cheney Slaps Biden Upside The Head and Mere Rhetoric with Smug Liberal Sophistication Undisturbed By Decades Of Disastrously Wrong Domestic And International Predictions .

Also getting votes was Bookworm Room for Destruction of Property.

Among the non-Council entries, the winner was John Stossel with Arrogance and Conceit Won’t Fix the Economy

In second place we had another tie this week between my nominee, Larrey Anderson over at American Thinker for Climate Crisis = Logic Crisis and Dhimmi Watch - Fitzgerald: If we cut off the jizya, could things become even worse?

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to all the participants.

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