
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Courtney Love On Jew Lawyers And Bankers...

You remember Courtney Love, don'tcha? Yeah, the heroin-addled moron who still apparently gets paid to be an 'artist', or at least for having been married to one?

Now that Jew-hating is fashionable again, Love decided that she'd weigh in to get a few headlines and get right in on the trend:

Love, whose mother is Jewish but who describes herself as Buddhist, says of ex-husband Kurt Cobain's legacy: "Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt's child, or to me, it's going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, it's going to lawyers who are also bankers . . ."

Nice to know she's giving up some Nirvana royalties to help support Israel..or did I miss something?

What a pathetic train wreck of a human being....


  1. what can you say?

    Dear Courtney

    according to Jewish Law your a yid......

    I guess your just a self hating whore...

    Jewish or not...

    Just a whore...

    No better than the whore than married Mohammed...

    Congrats Ms Love...

    You have shown yourself to be brain damaged idiot that I always thought you were

  2. Actually,the woman you're talking about never became Mo's wife, if you read the Hadiths.

    Mohammed slaughtered and enslaved the Jews of Medina who had taken him in after the hegira from Mecca, and took the Jewish woman you mention to his tents as a sex slave after she had seen her father and her husband executed in front of her.

    Mohammed later offered to marry her as one of his wives,but she refused, saying 'it is better that you have power over me', meaning that she preferred to remain a slave taken by force rather than to candy coat it an absolve Mo of this heinous act with a 'marriage.'

    Courtney Love, of course has no such excuse.Although in her defense, she was raised by hippie parents who gave actually her acid and pot as a child and did not raise her with what we would consider normal parenting.

    An interesting side point - the interview the Post quotes was done in Heeb magazine, yet another Leftard 'jewish'(small j) magazine that will feature any celebrity woth even a remotely Jewish background.

    Sad, really.

  3. Dear Mr Freedom...

    Thanks for correcting me...

    Sadly i did some research and that Old Mo was sure one sick puppy...

    his views and behaviors towards women are disgusting...

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What I find most fascinating is the tone of both the article and the first comment. I can't stop wondering how is it that reactions against antisemitism are nearly always so viscerally hateful and how most people just don't register it at all. Just like it didn't happen.

    I'll stick to my own judgement and will form my own opinion based on extensive observation. I'm past the stage of playing the "good guys - bad guys" game. And I must admit what I see above is a very strong hint if I've ever seen one.
