
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Waiter Arrested For Playing Hamas Chant At Jewish Wedding

Sort of the ultimate in bad timing....

A waiter who shocked guests at a Jewish wedding by playing a recording of a crowd chanting in Arabic has pleaded not guilty to a felony harassment charge.

Nassau County police say Stephen Buttafuoco was working at the Woodbury Jewish Center on Long Island on Jan. 4 when he played the chant over a sound system.

He was arrested Friday and arraigned Saturday.

Buttafuoco's lawyer says it was an accident. He says his client only meant to play the tape for a friend and didn't realize it was being amplified.

Investigators say the 23-year-old West Babylon man made the recording when he attended a rally opposing Israeli military action in Gaza, during which protesters chanted, "Allah Akbar," or "God is great."

NBC, you'll notice, headlines this as a "prank."

I emphasize the last part of this story just to let you know that this was neither a prank or an matter what his lawyer said. As Newsday reveals in a far more informative article, Buttafuoco said he's considering converting ( actually, to Muslims the correct term is reverting, since they consider all human beings Muslims) to Islam and admitted playing the tape to 'privately disrespect Judaism'. Thing is, he didn't realize the recording was being played throughout entire center and not just in the sanctuary in front of the Ark, where he was.

Somehow, that's even worse.

Imagine how the media would treat a Jewish waiter playing a tape disrespectful of Islam...the season of the witch indeed.


  1. That's very interesting. I can imagine the Muslims in your last sentence would immediately go to the press and their attorney, so they could sue the Jews and use the money in anti-American and anti-Israeli "charities".

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  2. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Is he any relation to the Amy Fisher incident guy ?

  3. In semi-related news, a marriage ceremony ended in divorce before it was even over when instead of just a songstress there was a musical instrument used at a wedding party.

    Those silly muzzies... The link is here.

  4. Anonymous,

    That was Joey. However, I can't help wondering if they are related, as they would both seem to have significantly sub-par IQ's.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    To Soccer Dad : that's what I meant : are they relatives? The name Buttafuoco, the mention of Long Island (as in 'Long Island Lolita', Amy Fisher), & his obvious stupidity make me wonder.
