
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 1-02-09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

Among the Council members, the winner this week was yours truly, for Gaza:A Tale Of Selective Morality and Tribal Warfare . Thanks, gang...

In second place was The Razor for Walking In Israel’s Shoes.

Also getting votes was Soccer Dad with Talkin’ turki and Mere Rhetoric for Anti-Israel Partisans Set New Record For Decades-Old Trick Of Brazenly Rewriting History, Blaming Israel

Among the non-Council entries, the runaway winner was my nominee, David Keyes in Commentary for Sderot under Seige. Like the Razor's post this week, Keyes gives us a view of what life under bombardment is really like.

In second place, oddly enough was my second choice, Melanie Phillips' superb- Groundhog day for the fifth column of malice.

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to all the participants.

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