
Friday, January 16, 2009

Watcher's Council results, 1/16/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

This week's winner on the Council was yours truly, for The Hidden Story On Gaza , my piece connecting the dots on the political aspects and back ground of the war. Thanks gang, as always...I appreciate it.

In second place was Right Truth for America Said NO, Debbie Hamilton's fine piece on the Bush Administration's refusal to aid an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.That decision may well end up having far more to do with the current occupant of the White House's legacy than the Iraq war does.

Also getting votes were Soccer Dad for Both sides now , Mere Rhetoric with Media Outlets Can’t Get Over The Tactical Brilliance Of Hamas’s Use Of Human Shields, and The Provocateur with Some Perspective on the Great Loan Modification Scam.

Among the non-Council entries, I was particularly glad to see that the winner was my nominee, Seraphic Secret's Robert Avrech writing over at Big Hollywood with an excellent piece, Learning From the Real Battle of Algiers . Robert compared the classic film - a masterpiece of leftist/Islamist propaganda - with the reality of what actually happened there. As I told him, I can't wait for him to finish part two. Some Hollywood sequels actually do work out well!

In second place was a great Ralph Peters NY Post column on Gaza that was reprinted in Front Page Magazine, Hamas’ Brutal Legacy .

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to all the participants.

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