
Friday, January 23, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 1/23/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

An interesting week on the Council, as we had a three way tie for first.Accordingly, the Watcher cast the deciding vote as per our arcane by-laws which means that this week's winner was The Colossus of Rhodey for The entertainment of moral ambiguity a fine piece for which I voted that drew an ingenious comparison between the re-invention of TV show Battlestar Galactica and the situation with Israel .

Tied for second place was my commentary on the recent Gaza 'ceasefire' Israel Capitulates , and Mere Rhetoric's observations on Britain, I’m Going To Miss Westminster Abbey - Britain Hands Itself Over To Radical Islam, Blames Israel

Also getting votes were The Provocateur for The Insider Story of ACORN , The Glittering Eye on Fallacy of Composition and Rhymes With Right for And Where Does He Get His Life Back?

Among the non-Council entries, I was again particularly glad to see that the winner was my nominee, Seraphic Secret's Robert Avrech writing over at Big Hollywood with The Real Battle Of Algiers, Part 2 , the companion piece to Learning From the Real Battle of Algiers ,which wonlast week. Robert compared the classic film - a masterpiece of leftist/Islamist propaganda - with the reality of what actually happened there.

In second place was Armed and Dangerous for Gramscian Damage , something I wish I'd written. It concerns how the Soviets actually waged war on American society by atacking American institutions,culture and information dissemination and explores how the Islamists are using exactly the same tactic today

As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to all the participants.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM


    Thanks so much for the two nominations. I'm greatly honored. But Karen, the love of my life wants to know if there's a cash prize:-)

  2. I wish! Anyway, kol hakavod...I don't think we've ever had a non-Council piece win back to back firsts, let alone for a part one, part two type article.

    Of course,that says a lot about the writer, I think.

    Shavua tov
