
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 2/06/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

The winning entry in the Council category this week was Soccer Dad with The no-state solution,an excellent rebuttal to a column by the New York Time's own Saudi peace ultimatum shill, Tom Friedman.

In second place was my entry at Joshuapundit, Obama: ” Screw Kentucky” - an article about president Hope n' Change's Katrina that you won't read about in the dinosaur media. Thanks gang!

Also getting votes were Bookworm Room for What a cigarette will tell you about a man, Mere Rhetoric with Israeli Missile Defense Group Emphasizes Need, Technological Feasibility Of Anti-Missile Systems and Right Truth for God’s Will .

In the Non-Council category, the winner was Judea Pearl in the Wall Street Journal for Daniel Pearl & the Normalization of Evil'

In second place, we had a piece from Arutz Sheva, the Israel National News site Letter to Gaza Citizen: I Am the Soldier Who Slept in Your Home .

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to the participants.

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