
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Iran Completes Bushehr Nukes Plant..And Says No Slowdown In Nuclear Program

The mullahs have apparently made a clear answer to President Obama's public abasement on al-Arabiya.

Today, the Russians announced that the Bushehr Nuclear plant has been completed and that only calibrating and testing the components remains.

In addition, the Iranians anounced that they plan to install 50,000centrifuges to enrich uranium over the next five years. The linked article doesn't mention it, but these will be the advanced variety:

"America should face reality and accept living with a nuclear Iran. This acceptance will allow America better access to Iran's (nuclear) market," Aghazadeh said, adding that a fresh nuclear achievement would be announced on April 9.

He did not give details.

Aghazadeh was speaking in Bushehr, in southwest Iran, where Iran is building its first nuclear power plant. Iran said on Wednesday it had carried out successful tests at the Russian- built plant, taking it a step closer to its launch.

"Currently we have 6,000 running centrifuges in Natanz and we will increase our activities to install more by the end of next (Iranian) year (to March 2010)," Aghazadeh said.

It's important to keep in mind that these are just the facilities we know about.

But then, the regular members of Joshua's Army are already aware of that little matter and my feelings on it.

Meanwhile, the current occupant of the White House is choosing to concentrate on doing what he knows best..talking.

That, and obtaining tax dollars for various political allies near and dear to his heart.

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