
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Israeli Elections - Final

With 99% of the ballot boxes counted , here are the totals:

Kadima was narrowly leading Likud with 28 seats

Likud has 27 seats.

Israel Beiteinu has 15 seats

Labor 13 *

Shas 11

United Arab List 5*

United Torah Judaism 4

National Union 4

Hadash 4*

Meretz 3*

Bayit Hayihudi 3

Balad 2 seats. *

*Left and Arab parties

What happened is that a great deal of Labor's support went to Livni as the most likely Left leaning candidate to win, while a lot of Likud's support went to Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu.. becauase there are lots of people on the Right who simply either don't trust Bibi or don't trust the Likud since the Gaza disengagement.

It's also worth noting that a lot of the Kadima list are to the right of Livni, like Shaul Mofaz.

The horse trading begins now, to see who can assemble the 61 seats necessary to govern.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Forget the elections. An Israeli is on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
