
Sunday, February 01, 2009

JoshuaPundit's Headlines, 2/01/09

All the links you need and nothing you don't... make sure to check back for updates.

Harry Reid...Blame GOP If Stimulus Fails

GOP Senators pushingtax cuts and mortgage rate cuts for credit-worthy borrowers. From 5% to 4%federally-guaranteed 30-year-mortgages.... real payment relief that will help the housing and mortgage market instead of simply creating government programs.

StimulusWatch Lets You Keep Tabs on What Your Money is Being Wasted On...

Stimulated Right Into Being Another Europe - Mark Steyn at his best!

Is the Stimulus the Democrats' Iraq?

Money for Nothing Won't Grow the Economy - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

Daschle Faces Tax Questions... Another questionable Obama appointee, this time in the health and Human Services slot.

Gov. Palin: ‘We Must Drill In ANWR’

Encountering Gitmo Terrorists - Lorraine Arias-Beliveau, NY Daily News

UK: Bloody Beating in Golders Green

London: Protest Against IDF Officer

Tony Blair: Bring Hamas Into The Peace process

ElBaradei: ‘No comment’ on Israel as Jewish state - what a surprise....

Israel's Mother of All Quagmires - Michael Totten, Commentary

Netanyahu says Iran will not get hands on nukes...

Gaza Rockets Hit Israel; Olmert Vows ‘Harsh’ Response

Hamas leader meets Iran's Khamenei - Khalid Meshaal is back in Tehran to get some fresh orders...

Cyprus to Search Iranian Arms Ship

Iran says Obama's offer to talk shows US failure - That's obvious!

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accepts invitation to visit Poland - President Obama's left turn on the missile defense bases bears fruit, as the Poles will now knuckle under to the Russians.

Now Is No Time to Downplay North Korea - John Bolton, Wall Street Journal

Turkish Outburst Is Nothing New - Asli Aydintasbas, Forbes

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