
Monday, February 02, 2009

JoshuaPundit's Headlines, 2/02/09, AM Edition

All the links you need and nothing you don't... make sure to check back for updates.

Obama defends a 'deeply embarrassed' Tom Daschle over tax lapses - And this is who they want in charge of that over-inflated nationalized health care boondoggle?This is the third case of an Obama appointee insufficiently vetted and with major tax or payola problems ( Daschele, Geithner and Bill Richardson). Can you say culture of corruption? Can you say amateur hour at the White House? If the GOP let Daschele get by with this, they deserve to go down the toilet.

More banks likely to fail, Obama warns - Way to build consumer confidence, Barry.Of course what it's really about is scaring people to death to pave the way for the New Order, isn't it?

The Eu decide that maybe they were a bit too enthusiatic about Obama A trade war looms...

Obama to keep CIA Renditions Just like the ee-e-vil ChimpyBush McHitler...

Wall Street Journal: How Government Prolonged the Depression an excellent short examination of how the New Deal actually exacerbated the Great Depression, contrary to popular belief. Particularly relevent, as Obama appears to have a new 'New Deal' in our future.

USA Today: New GOP chair comes out swinging — The new chairman of the Republican National Committee said Sunday that his party should put the brakes on Democratic initiatives, from the economic stimulus bill to President Obama's plans for his Cabinet..

Washington Times: Steele's Conservative Challenge

Erick's blog: The Senate Carves $90 Million Out of Stimulus For Liberal Activist Group — The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights ("LCCR") is a far left interest group. — The group opposed conservative judges. The group agitates for card check. The group is in favor of the Fairness Doctrine....

No Free Speech When It Comes to Islam? - Nat Hentoff, Washington Times

Turkey's Turn From the West - Soner Cagaptay, Washington Post

Don't Rebuild Gaza - Efraim Inbar, Jerusalem Post

Hamas says "no hurry" for dialogue with Abbas

Rocket fired from Gaza lands near security fence

Gunmen in Pakistan Kidnap American Head of UN Refugee Office


  1. Stephen said...

    Hey, Rose, you want me to write my comments about Israeli atrocities in BIG PRINT too to match your propaganda, huh? Wanna see pictures of cluster bombed Palestinian children? Or families blown apart by white phosphorus bombs after being strafed by F-16 fighter jets? Hmmm?
    You want a rerun of how we obliterated, incinerated tens of thousands of poorly armed Iraqis sent against U.S. soldiers in the Gulf War? Want close ups of those burned Muslim bodies?

    You don't remember our American past atrocities, you fail to recall all the hideous acts of Christians for centuries, no, you want to say ONLY Muslims are doing all these terrible things so you can feel good about paying your taxes to kill more Muslims. In other words, you are leading a cheering squad for American and Israeli killers, giving them a free pass to kill and kill again in other people's lands distabilizing their social systems to the max, while hypocritically pointing a finger of guilt at Muslims when your own hands are bloody.

    Sorry, Rose and Zionists. You have no moral high ground from which to criticize the actions of Muslims. Yes, they do individual acts of terror but you forget what terror is when you ignore how a Palestinian family feels when attacked by jet fighter planes. Get over your prejudices against Muslims and become a humane being. It's not as if Western Christian history has anything more humanitarian to offer than Islam and you should know this by now.

    Stephen is Jewish and he supports Obama.

    So long as Obama has his useful idiots, Tom Daschle could drown a girl like Teddy and nothing serious would happen.

  2. Erick's blog: The Senate Carves $90 Million Out of Stimulus For Liberal Activist Group — The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights ("LCCR") is a far left interest group. — The group opposed conservative judges. The group agitates for card check. The group is in favor of the Fairness Doctrine....

    Dems are very good at making corruption and hate pay for itself.

  3. Hello YMarsakar,

    RE: Your first comment, quislings and useful idiots abound in all groups - although I would hazard a guess that 'Steve' is a totally secular Jew with no connection to his religion or his people except an accident of birth. They almost always fall into that category, with Leftism as their new religion. You might find this interesting. And this.. at least as an explanation.

    RE: Your second comment: I would amend that slightly to say that Democrats are very good at making other people pay for hate and corruption.

    It's always somebody else's money..!


  4. Bookworm, because she is Jewish but not a supporter of Obama or the Democrat party platform, has blogged about such issues as well.

    RE: Your second comment: I would amend that slightly to say that Democrats are very good at making other people pay for hate and corruption.

    That is part of what I mean by they make it pay for itself. Take their lock on blacks, for example. Black middle class was getting a leg up after the 50s due to military integration (GI bill) through Band of Brothers warcraft bonds and a general greater American appreciation for black blood sacrificed in a war to defend all Americans. Then came Lyndon B Johnson with his "Great Society", which broke the back of the black middle class and family values.

    Now it was precisely because of that that blacks today can talk about being economically discriminated against and having a disproportionate amount of blacks in jail vs whites and all the various other things they used to justify voting Democrat.

    This is not just a scam that lets someone else take all the risks while you get the rewards. This is manufacturing a crisis and then forcing people to accept your "solution" and then doing it again, and again, and again.

    It is self-perpetuating, like slavery was and still is.

  5. The Palestinians, of course, have already taken things to their logical conclusion. The British are now in the process of advancing things as well.
