
Friday, February 27, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 2/27/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

The winning entry in the Council category this week was Greg at Rhymes With Right for About The Chimp Cartoon , a fine examination of the fall out from that now famous cartoon featuring Travis the Chimp.

In second place we had a tie between two pieces that oddly enough tackled the same subject from different angles - Bookworm Room with Giving the people what they want, a look at government dependence and expectancy and The Razor for Octomom: A Symbol of Obama’s America - a post that sees in the Palestinian 'mother' Ms. Suleman a symbol for the same thing...and The Colossus of Rhodey's Reaction Eric Holder’s “cowards” comment , a bit of racist demogogery that also attracted my attention this week but got a much better treatment from Hube.

Also getting votes was Cheat-Seeking Missiles for NY Times Finally Covers Hassan Beheading .

In the Non-Council category, the winner was my nomination from The Nose On Your face, Islamic Rage Boy Addresses Muslim TV Exec’s Recent Wife-Beheading. It's a video that will explain much that is confusing about this tasty littel news item.

In second place, we had The Long War Journal with th eself explanoatory Analysis: Pakistan peace agreement cedes ground to the Taliban . Indeed it does.

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to all the participants.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Thanks for the nomination and the honor. Much appreciated!
