
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

JoshuaPundit's Headlines, 3/04/09

All the links you need and nothing you don't... make sure to check back for updates.

Inside the Democrat's Plans For Targeting Rush Limbaugh - Unbelievable...a private citizen is now number one on the Obama White House's enemies list.

GIBBS ADMITS LIMBAUGH FIGHT 'COUNTERPRODUCTIVE'... After he helped start it! We should start a pool as to the date Obama throws his sadly inadequate press secretary under the bus..he needs a much smoother snake oil salesman.

Rush to the President: Debate Me — Now that, I'd PAY to see and listen to..

Gibbs Attacks Reporters, Hosts Who Cross Obama - Lessee...Rick Santelli, Jim Cramer, Rush Limbaugh all in about a weeks time..

Obama Takes Heat Over Tanking Markets

House GOP says Obama is cooking the books on his proposed budget... And how!

Bayh: Why Spending Bill Should Fail — And not just Republicans..Evan Bayh weighs in.

Cap-and-Trade Plan Will Sink Michigan - Detroit News

Ted Kennedy to be knighted - It's tempting, but I'll refrain from commenting on this.

The Growing Republican Unhappiness With Michael Steele — Byron York examines this..(

Afghan Election Commission Rejects Karzai Request for Early Election - I have a feeling Karzai is not totally in control of this situation..

Pakistan Offers Reward as Sri Lankans’ Gunmen Escape - This was a commando raid ala' Mumbai on the Sri Lanka cricket team en route to a match. After shooting up the bus, the Gunmen walked away calmly , knowing that they weren't going to be apprehended, so obviously this was an inside job. Was this an attempt by the Lashkar-e-Taiba to hijack the bus carrying the team and to use hostages to bargain for the release of their chief operational commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi , who's now sitting in the Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi and facing a trial for his alleged involvement in the Mumbai attacks?

If it was, they had assistance from some people very high up in Pakistan's military and/or government.

Pakistan Must Confront Its Enemy Within - Daily Telegraph

Uproar in Sudan over Bashir war crimes warrant - Sudanese president Bashir has had an ICC arrest warrant issued for him over Darfur, and the Muslim bloc is upset. So is the African Union saying the Beshir warrant could impede Sudan's 'peace process'.

Iran: We can hit Israeli nuclear sites

Senior Islamic Jihad commander critically wounded in air strike - Excellent!

Puzzled in Gaza - Guess what, infidels? All that stuff about widespread destruction and hunger in Gaza? It's mostly a PR myth.

Czech envoy: Peace integral to Israel-EU upgrade - the blackmail of Israel's new government begins. As if the lack of peace was Israel's doing!

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