
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Watcher's Council Nominations, 4/22/09

The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.

So, let's see what we have this week....and do check out the Watcher's take on the financial crisis and how it originated... with 18 minutes of video the Left doesn't want you to see.

Oh, and also, we welcome back to the Council after a long and unfortunate absence from the blogosphere the one and only GW from Wolf Howling. It's been too long, and it's nice to have you back.


Joshuapundit - The Real Holocaust Denial - I'm sure it was no coincidence that Iran's President Ahmadinejad was invited as an honored guest to address the UN conference on racism in Geneva this week on the same day Jews in Israel and around the world observe Yom HaShoah, an annual memorial for the dead of the Holocaust.

Ahmadinejad performed as expected, and I have a few things to say about the matter.

Right Truth - Witch Hunts (and you are the witch) -Debbie Hamilton has my favorite title of the week..and a very appropriate one in that her piece concerns FBI surveillance on those dangerous Right Wing Extremists populating the Tea Parties across the country. Like the infamous DHS report, this is an indication of things to come. When a government distrusts its most patriotic and productive citizens, a change is in the air.

The Provocateur - Dr. Andrew Agwunobi Strikes Again - Mike traces the history of failure of an incompetent health care bureaucrat. Apparently the Peter principle is at work here ( leave a comment and ask me if you don't know what that is).

The Razor - Obama Administration Sucking Moonbats Out of Private Sector - Scott notes that radicals in power tend to hire radicals...and that they generally get away with it. In the case of the woman he mentions, Rosa Brooks, I'm much more concerned about this ex-George Soros employee who's views border on sedition being in the Pentagon and handling classified national security data than I am about her views on government licensing of media, although her fascist views on that subject are a cause for concern, to say the least.

Rhymes With Right - About The Secession Thing - Greg gives us a sensible Texas-eye view of Governor Perry and the secession kerfuffle.

The Glittering Eye - For the Want of a Horseshoe Nail -This week Dave explores one of the hidden problems behind the sluggish economy..getting affordable performance bonds for small independent building contractors, a necessary bit of insurance before lenders will commit funds for construction.

Bookworm Room - Honing our arguments - Ms. Bookworm writes about the phenomenon of trolls, and how, ultimately, they can be helpful.

Soccer Dad - Preoccupied with occupation -In a fine and to the point piece, Soccer Dad unmasks the so-called 'occupation' most of the the Arabs have been using as an excuse to avoid dealing with Israel since 1948. As Soccer Dad points out, the language of "occupation" gives the Arabs the ultimate veto on the peace process and an excuse for making no concessions whatsoever. Either Israel abides by Palestinian demands or it remains an "occupier." And thus Arab terrorism is a fight against "occupation' and thus understandable.

Wolf Howling - Throwing Green Fuel On An Economic Fire - In GW's return piece , the Wolf takes notice of the absurd Obama EPA ruling on greenhouse gases, a recipe for poverty and the decline of the American economy that may prove more pernicious than the mountain of debt Obama has saddled us and our children with.


Submitted By: Right Truth - American Daughter - The Intimidation Begins

Submitted By: The Provocateur - Portfolio - Confessions of a TARP CEO’s Wife

Submitted By: Joshuapundit - Doug Ross@Journal - Let Them Eat Dirt

Submitted By: The Razor - The Journal of the American Enterprise Institute - The Coming of the Fourth American Republic

Submitted By: Rhymes With Right - Right On The Left Coast - Close West Point?

Submitted By: The Glittering Eye - Rortybomb - Ban Mortgage Prepayment Penalties at the Federal Level, 1: Texas

Submitted By: Bookworm Room - Britannica Blog - Shock peace therapy for the mideast

Submitted By: Soccer Dad - Elder of Ziyon - More of those “civilians” killed in Gaza (UPDATED)

Submitted By: Wolf Howling - AIFD - Obama Administration Stacking the Deck with Islamists

Submitted By: The Watcher - Thomas Sowell at The Jewish World Review - Are You an ‘Extremist’?

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