
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

California's Tax Revolt- The Peasants Have Risen

"California's a garden of Eden, it's a paradise to live in, or see. But believe it or not, you won't find it so hot, if you ain't got the do-re-mi.. - Woody Guthrie

Voters sent five out of six ballot propositions touted by Governor Schwarzenegger as a temporary fix to California's budget crisis crashing to defeat in yesterday's special elections by better than two to one majorities. The only one that passed was 1F, which mandated that state legislators cannot receive pay raises when there's a budget deficit.

The state now faces a $21.3 billion budget the world's sixth largest economy.

The election was a farce, with unions and other special interests spending over $30 million to try and push these measures through. This time, the overburdened taxpayers in the state simply wouldn't buy it.

What happened to California? As Margaret Thatcher famously said, the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money. That day is today.

The state is one of the highest taxed in the nation, and like several other states near to financial collapse is controlled by a dysfunctional Democrat-controlled legislature that persists in spending other people's money to buy votes from special interests, and they in turn are controlled by powerful public employee unions like the teachers and the SEIU.

In addition there's education, social services, and law enforcement for thousands of illegal immigrants from the third world countries across the border. That tab alone is estimated at between $5 and $8 billion per year, depending on who's adding. When you import millions of poor people who consume more in services than they spend in taxes, it tends not to be good for your state's budget.

See the rest at the The Examiner..please click on it a few times and help throw a few bucks my way...every little bit helps


  1. I'm one of those Peasants. We are revolting!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    If the peasants were really rising, wouldn't there be demonstrations promising to throw out the irresponsible Democrats? They may rise in the future, but this isn't it.

  3. Oh, I think that may be coming.Provided there are stll enough productive working people left in California after the current debacle.
