
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Democrats Seek To Turn Lefty Newspapers Into NPR

Left leaning newspapers like the New York Times , The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Los Angeles Times and the Boston Globe have been activist cheerleaders for the Democrats rather than actual journalists for a very long time, and as that becomes more apparent and new sources of information have opened up, their readers are leaving in droves.

The Democrat dominated Senate wants to fix that by giving turning them into 'non-profits' and giving them your tax dollars. Naturally..

The U.S. government could provide tax breaks for newspapers or allow them to operate as nonprofits to help the struggling business survive, Sen. John Kerry said Wednesday.

Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, said Congress can help the industry hit by a collapse in advertising revenue, debt that is getting harder to repay and the drift of print subscribers to free online news websites.

Without newspapers, Kerry and other lawmakers said at a Senate subcommittee hearing Wednesday, there will be too few journalists investigating governments, companies and individuals.

Like they're doing that now?

What's being proposed is characterized as not being 'subsidies' but it's exactly that. If say, the New York Times is allowed a major tax break as a non-profit and allowed leeway in when and how it reports 'operating expenses', that is very much a subsidy, paid for by the taxpayers. Does Kerry think we're too stupid to realize that a newspaper sucking on the government teat is not about to rock the boat and risk an investigation and audit of its non-profit status?

This will simply make the prostitution of what was once journalism official. If they want to whore themselves out to the Democrats, that's one thing. But I'm damned if I want to pay the tab for it when I'm not even getting kissed.

Crossposted at the Examiner...remember, they pay me when you click on the link.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie10:40 AM

    i certainly hope monkey boy doesn't find out about your new project.
    he's constantly posting on your site, using your research and material.
