
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Lies For The Third Time About Her CIA Briefing..

If you watch this, it's pretty obvious that Pelosi is lying through her teeth.

Plus, Pelosi acknowledged publicly for the first time today that she was aware that detainees were being waterboarded as long ago as 2003 when a member of her staff was part of a briefing in February of that year in which the CIA was revealed that waterboarding was part of those enhanced interrogation techniques.

Meanwhile the Obama Administration formally denied ex-Vice President Dick Cheney's request to declassify and publicly release those two CIA reports documenting the effectiveness of the IET program, including the valuable intel learned using the techniques.

Obama is in a bind, thanks to Pelosi. The Angry Left is screaming for the heads of Bush Administration officials on a platter, an doriginally Obama was just fine with that - untilk he discovered that his own Speaker of the House and who knows who else are going to go down as well if he starts putting together any Soviet -style show trials.

Of course, all this could have been avoided if there was any sense of principle in the White House. All Obama had to do from from Day One was to commit to no prosecution of former Bush Administration officials on this issue and stick to it.


  1. louielouie5:48 PM

    the angry left wouldn't care if madame pelosi was and original plotter/co-conspiritor of 9/11.
    this is all about bushate.
    get booosh.
    i wish cheney would sue the hussein administration to release the documents.
    the supreme court would through it out, based on cheney not having standing in the case.

  2. Kevin4:45 PM

    We soon forget what has kept us safe for the last eight years. No one was complaining when we we getting the information we needed to protect the American public.

    Talk about arrogance. Once we have "feel like we are no longer vulnerable" we simply change our stance to make others look bad and promote ourselves!

    I say we fire the whole lot of them (congress) and start over! They are nothing more than a bunch of self serving, greedy pack of theives.

    We as Americans should not be apologizing for our behaviour to the world but rather Congress should be apologizing to the American people for eroding the principles and values on which this great country was founded.

    Shame be upon them!

  3. I'm a Democrat of the Democratic Party, and I do not agree with our Democratic Party representatives in Washington.

    Our Democratic Party has abandoned many of its older principles and ideals, and we as Democrats are extremely dissatisfied with the "Change We Can Believe In" politicians and their obsession with making our Nation more like the Europe our founding fathers had left behind.

    Most Democrats already know their pleas to the Democratic Party are only being answered by repeated insult and injury. Many of our elected officials are no longer thinking of themselves as being our representatives, but instead refer to themselves as leaders in the true form of tyrants.

    To all intents and purposes, our elected representatives within the Democratic Party are no longer following in the time-honored footsteps laid down by the founding fathers of our great Nation. In fact, we as democrats see our elected representatives within the Democratic Party abandoning the principles and values as set forth within the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

    Furthermore, many of our Democratic Party representatives in Washington are tainted by corruption, and the liberals among us are supporting socialist radicals with their agendas based on moving our Nation deeper into a socialist form of government. This is a real threat to everything we hold sacred in America, and they are gaining evermore control over our Democratic Party, our Nation, and the American people.

    Despite this, we as Democrats can restore control of the Democratic Party back to the party members. All we need to do is provide our support in making sure donations are made directly to patriotic and honorable Democratic Party candidates that are not corrupt or socialists.

    So please help spread the message to everyone of our fellow Democrats. Also, don't forget to contact and request the Unions and other outside contributors to follow our lead as patriotic Americans.

    Thank you, and God Bless America.

    Eric Pearson, senior administrator for Democrats seeking reform with the Democratic Party.

    Web site:
