
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watcher's Council results, 5/15/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

A hard drive crash on the Watcher's Council site? Not a problem, as the Council and the Watcher did an incredible job and rose above it to complete this week's competition...

The winning entry in the Council category this week was yours truly here at Joshuapundit with The Two State Solution Fallacy , which is pretty self-explanatory. My piece got lost in the hard drive crash SNAFU, but my fellow Council members tracked it down and honored me by making it this weeks' winner.

In second place by a nose was a fine piece by Hube over at The Colossus of Rhodey, Star Trek as Socialist Utopia . Haven't seen the movie yet, but I hear it's killer.

Also getting votes were Right Truth for Barack Stewie Obama, Wolf Howling with Casual Marxism & Supreme Court Nominees? , Soccer Dad for The purple prose of cairo ( which gets this week's cleverest title award) and
Bookworm Room for The inevitable result of identity politics .

In the Non-Council category, the winner was Infidel Bloggers Alliance for Obama’s “Blood Tax” .

In second place, we had a four way tie between The Optimistic Conservative for Charging the Chokepoints , Christopher Caldwell in Prospect Magazine for Fear Masquerading as Tolerance , Zhudi Jasser @ The Huffington Post with Getting Real On Shariah? and Elizabeth Sauls @ The Beufort Observer with Presidential Sleight of Hand Keeps Reporter Befuddled

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to the participants.

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