
Friday, May 08, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 5/8/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

We had a tie between two fine pieces in the Council category this week, and per our bylaws the Watcher decided on Wolf Howling's entry, Waiting For The Iranian Shoe To Drop as the winner.

In second place was Bookworm Room with Predators and Prey .

Also getting votes were Right Truth for More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda: Liberals and Sharia and Mere Rhetoric for UC Santa Barbara Professor Spams Class With Graphic “Jews Are Nazis” Email

In the Non-Council category, the runaway winner was my nominee, The Augean Stables for What Do I Think of the Arab-Israeli Conflict? Answers to a Questionnaire

In second place, we had Kevin Mooney at The Washington Examiner for ACORN got $53 million in federal funds since 94, now eligible for up to $8 billion more

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to the participants.

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