
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why Israel Will Hold On To The Yesha

We could subtitle this one as proof that the world belongs to stubborn people.

Today the Israeli government evacuated a tiny 'outpost' in the Binyamin section of the yesha(the Jewish part of Judea and Samaria, AKA the West Bank ) called Maoz Esther.

'Evacuating' in this context means that the IDF or the border police came in, removed the inhabitants and dismantled the buildings, in this case a few young people and seven tin and wood huts.

Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak made a point of telling some of his Labor Party colleagues that it wasn't a response to US pressure, just standard operating procedure...if you believe that,which I don't.

But that's not the end of the story, by any means.

Lo and behold. a few hours later, guess what happened? The residents returned with reinforcements and rebuilt Maoz Esther right back up again!

Just six hours after it was evacuated by security forces, the West Bank outpost of Maoz Ester was being rebuilt Thursday by dozens of settlers who returned to the site of their deconstructed homes.

MK Michael Ben Ari (National Union) also arrived at the scene and nailed a mezuzah to the wooden structure being raised by the settlers, explaining: "It's my duty as a legislator".

Dozens of youths working to rebuild the outpost said they would make sure Maoz Ester was expanded even further than it had been originally.

You see, these people are stubborn, and being stubborn they see no reason why Jews should be prohibited from living anywhere just because the Arabs are unwilling to have them around. This is their country and they mean to keep it,and if the government tears it down again in some token gesture of appeasement, they'll just rebuild it again.

They won't be easy to discourage or dislodge. Like I said, in this case the world belongs to the stubborn.

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