
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Congress Democrats Dodge Ban On Lobbyist Cash

Yes, the Most Ethical Congress Evah...

President Barack Obama’s strict ban on lobbyist contributions will limit the haul from Thursday night’s fundraising dinner for congressional Democrats, but organizers have found a way around it: a morning-after event at the same hotel where lobbyists — and their money — will be welcomed with open arms.

Invitations for the $5,000-per-person Issues Conference don’t say it’s an effort to skirt Obama’s lobbying ban, but they walk right up to the edge.

“Please note that the Friday Issues Conference is NOT subject to lobbyist restrictions, though the event is intended for personal contributions only,” a finance official from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee wrote in an e-mail sent to lobbyists Tuesday and obtained by POLITICO, bolding the entire sentence to underscore the clarification. “The Issues Conference is separate from the DSCC/DCCC events with President Obama.”

One prominent Democratic lobbyist unhappy with the situation described it vividly: “It’s almost like the ugly girl that you want to call late at night — but don’t want to be seen with on a date.”

Yeah, Squeezle...just make sure you write 'personal' in big letters on the check. Don't worry, we'll know who it's really from..

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat stalwarts will be attending to make sure everyone makes their proper contribution.Think of it as a Mafia wedding, with the cash gifts that go into the bride and groom's money bag carefully calculated as a sign of respect and the basis of future business.

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