
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Watcher's Council Results, 6/19/09

The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.

The winning entry in the Council category this week was Wolf Howling for Iran 6/16 – The Fire Still Burning - GW's highly informative take on the Iranian election and its aftermath.

In second place was Bookworm Room withObama’s belief in the power of his own rhetoric, a fine effort who's title says it all.

Also getting votes were Soccer Dad for The campaign’s the thing, Right Truth for When the unbelievable becomes true and Mere Rhetoric for Liberal Foreign Policy Experts: This Ahmadinejad Reelection Was Just So Unpredictable!

In the Non-Council category, the winner was Michelle Malkin for Obama’s AmeriCrooks and cronies scandal

In second place, we had a tie between my nominee, Christopher Hitchens for Don’t Call It An Election In Iran and The Hashmonean for Coup D’etat: The Revolutionary Guards In Control of Iran Had Nothing to Fear From Obama Biden (Link Update I)

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to the participants.

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