
Friday, September 18, 2009

Ahmadinejad And His Enablers

Today, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad celebrated - if that's the proper word - an annual hate fest in Iran call al-Kuds day. It's celebrated throughout much of the Muslim world at the end of Ramadan and is a day for many Muslims to issue a call for the destruction of Israel and the Jews.

Ahmadinajad and the mullahs have a great deal to celebrate. After gaming the West for almost six years after their illegal nuclear program was discovered, they are within months of achieving their goal of a nuclear armed Iran.

As part of the festivities,Ahmadinejad made a speech demonizing Israel in which he flatly referred to the Holocaust as a lie. To Ahmadinejad, the West used the question of the Holocaust as a "pretext" to steal Muslim land.

Both Ahmadinejad and Iran's Supreme Leader the Ayatollah Khamenei have revisited this theme numerous times. Both have denied the Holocaust occurred, and referred to Israel as a cancerous tumor, called for it to be wiped off the map repeatedly and said that Israel is fated to `disappear' soon ...and that the `countdown' towards the end of the Zionist regime will be over soon, Allah willing.

Ahmadinejad has not only repeatedly denied the Holocaust actually took place, he's hosted conferences in Iran on that very subject. And believe it or not, I don't blame him one bit.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is merely repeating the stock line of most of the Arab and Muslim world, where Mein Kampf and its dream of a Jew-free world is still a bestseller.

No, Ahmadinejad can't be faulted for trotting out the same old material one more time. If nothing else, I have to give him credit for clarity and sincerity.

The leaders of the West, including the current occupant of the White House? Something else again. In fact they seem bent on doing collective impressions of Claude Rains' famous Vichy French captain at Rick's Place in `Casablanca'..they're shocked, simply shocked. I can't imagine why they would be.

Promoting the destruction of Israel has been Iran's position since 1979. It was, after all, Iran's `moderate' ex-president Rafsanjani who said that the problem of Israel could be solved by one nuclear bomb. Now, they're close to being able to do just that.

These same Western leaders voicing shock and dismay at the spectacle of Ahmadinejad ranting about destroying Israel can't pretend they aren't aware of all this. And they're also fully aware that Iran's denial of the first Holocaust is part of its arming of people like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and its pursuit of nuclear weapons to perpetrate a second one.

This is the regime whom people like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates want to `negotiate' with, thinking it's going to stop with Israel and the Jews. Thye couldn't be more mistaken.

In a very real sense, the `Holocaust denial' of the West's leaders is much worse than Ahmadinejad's. And they have even less excuse for it than they did in 1938. They know that not only did it happen, but that it's entirely plausible.And like the last time, they are doing absolutely nothing to stop it, aside from some well intentioned hot air.

Ahmadinejad at least has an explanation, if not an excuse. He obviously thinks of himself as a G-d fearing and pious man who finds his pretext for Jew hatred in the Qu'ran and the Hadith, where it clearly states that Allah's Messenger Mohammed told his followers that on the Day of Judgment the very rocks and trees will call out to pious Muslims to kill the Jews hiding behind them (Sahih Muslim, Book 041, Number 6985). A lot of people who live in Iran and in the other Muslim countries agree with him.

That's because Ahmadinejad's views are shared by much of the Muslim world - that the Holocaust was a myth, that the sinister Jews used it to `steal' Arab land, and that even if a few Jews did become lampshades and chimney smoke,why should the Muslims suffer for it?

Here's why, the dirty little secret that the Muslim world will never acknowledge. The Arab world is directly complicit in the Holocaust. And what's more, they know it, even if they refuse to admit it. That's why it's so important to them to deny it ever happened

After World War I, the former Ottoman province that became the Palestine Mandate was given by the League of Nations to British authority for the express purpose of creating a Jewish nation. In the area west of the Jordan River, the only real populated communities were places like Jerusalem and Safed, where the majority of the inhabitants were Jews. Britain's first act was to take 80% of this land, everything east of the Jordan River, give it to the Arabs as Trans-Jordan and forbid any Jews from living or settling there.

The Zionist movement was promised by Britain that the rest of Palestine - everything else west of the Jordan River- would be the Jewish homeland. This promise was never kept. The British, during their tenure in Palestine put all kinds of arbitrary barriers on Jews migrating to Palestine, while allowing unlimited immigration to what was left of Palestine to Arabs from Syria, Egypt, and the Hejaz.

Of course, even 80% of Palestine was not enough for the Arabs to accept Jews living next to them in peace and equality. Incited by their leaders , the Arabs rioted and created such unrest from the 1930's onward that the British halted all Jewish immigration to the Holy Land on the eve of the Holocaust with the issuance of the White Paper in 1938, trapping millions of Jews in Europe without a place to flee to. If not for that, the death toll in the Holocaust would have been nowhere near what it was.

All during WWII, when a third of the entire Jewish population of Palestine was in uniform fighting for the allies, the British allowed unlimited migration from the Arab world into Israel. In 1944, Himmler attempted to make a deal with the Allies to exchange the still intact Jewish population of Hungary, about 500,000 people, for a few trucks. The official name of the Nazi proposal was Blut fur wahren - literally, blood for goods. The Americans signed on to the deal but the British vetoed it, explicitly because they were afraid of Arab unrest and did not want these Jews in Palestine.

Hungary's Jews went to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen instead of Israel. A picture of how almost all of them ended up is at the head of this piece.

During WWII, the Arabs largely sided with the Axis against the allies. The `Palestinian' leader, the British appointed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem spent most of the war in Europe recruiting Muslims from Bosnia and the Caucasus to fight in SS divisions for Hitler and the Nazis. In the French provinces of Syria and Lebanon, Arab troops fought with Vichy against the allies and Iraq was taken over by a pro-Nazi Arab regime. And in Egypt, numerous veterans of the British 8th Army who fought and defeated the Nazis at El-Alamein have related how the Egyptians had Cairo all decked out in Nazi flags to welcome the German `liberators' when the British marched back into the city.

In spite of this, the British were happy to arm and train the Arab armies that attempted to massacre the Jews of Israel in 1948, three years after Auschwitz was liberated. The most effective Arab fighting force in that war, the Jordanian Arab legion, was led by British officers under the notorious Jew hater Colonel John Glubb, AKA 'Glubb Pasha'. Nor were the British alone, though they were the most blatant. The UN did nothing to stop their Arab member states from their attempted genocide and even the United States had an arms embargo on the infant Jewish state. Anyone interested in the full sordid story should read Lucy Dawidowicz's ` The War Against the Jews : 1933-1945: and Joan Peter's prize winning From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine.

If the Arabs `gave' the Jews three times as much land as Israel consists of today,it would not be enough of a blood price to compensate for their part in the slaughter of the Jews of Europe or their attempt to murder the survivors in 1948. And they've compounded this sin - and I use the word advisedly - by ethnically cleansing almost a million Jews from the Arab world since 1948,and trying to complete the task of genocide up to our present day.

And then as now, they had the willing help of the West, who had no such `religious' excuse.

In his book, `Crusade in Europe' written in 1946, General Eisenhower wrote about what he called `horror camps' and his reaction on seeing his first one. He made a point of recording those feelings, of seeing that the press toured the camps and took pictures, because somehow he foresaw even then a time when people would deny that the Holocaust occurred.Footage still exists of American soldiers forcing Germans into the camps to look at what had been if some of those Germans hadn't been living downwind from the smell of burning flesh. General Eisenhower wanted to make sure that `plausible denial' would no longer be an excuse.

Based on how the West is reacting to another Holocaust in the making, he failed, through no fault of his own.Listening to Barack Obama and other Western leaders, you can hear the same tired phrases of appeasement and cowardice as the winds of history whistle and chuckle.

The very fact that Ahmadinejad is going to be welcomed at the UN later this month is an indication of how blind and in denial the so-called civilized world and their leaders have become.

But there is a difference this time, an important one. Then, the Jews were largely defenseless and had no refuge. Today the Jews have a country and an army of their own. While the West may indulge itself in Holocaust denial again to its own ultimate peril, the Jews of Israel realize they do not have that luxury and need not suffer for it.

And that's the real reason for Israel's existence. Never again, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    They are also planning a holocoust against America as well. There being enabled by the two nations on earth who are currently the world's most powerful, Russia and China. No one is doing a thing about this. In fact many of the most influential people in Western Europe are sympathetic to the American holocaust planners. "First they came for the Americans and the Israelis. I wouldn't speak up for them. After all I was not an Israeli or an American. Now they've come for me. There's no one left to speak up for me" How very said. I pray this is not the epitath of America and the West. As for Israel, they have the promises of God. There survival is assured. America and the nations of Western Europe have no such promises and its as though they've lost their will to fight for the survival of their civilizations. Perhaps years of leftist propaganda has taken its toll.
