
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jordanian parliamentary bloc calls for abolishing Jordan/Israel peace treaty

Now that the libelous fiction on Gaza known as the Goldstone report is out, it's providing cover for people to push for doing what they've wanted to do all along anyway:

Jordan's Lower House National Fraternity bloc on Tuesday called for closing the Israeli embassy in Amman and presenting a draft law to the house to discuss abolishing the peace treaty with Israel, after Israeli troops' breaking into al-Aqsa Mosque along with Jewish radicals on Sunday.

The 21-member bloc urged the government to cut all ties with Israel after Sunday's clashes resulted in injuries and arrests of many Palestinians.

What they're talking about is a violent riot that occurred on the Temple Mount by Arab provocateurs when a group of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount were stoned by Muslim worshipers on Sunday morning.

The bloc voiced condemnation of what it said "silence" by entities concerned with the law and preserving holy sites, over the Israeli "escalation" and violations against the Palestinian Muslims holy shrine in eastern Jerusalem.

It also voiced support to the Palestinians in their efforts to stand up to the Israeli violations and defend holy sites in Jerusalem.

"The systematic Zionist aggression against Jerusalem and the holy sites in the city necessitates that the Arabs and Muslims stand up and confront Israel and not to be deceived by illusions of reaching settlements and agreements," the bloc said

This is almost comic coming from members of the parliament of a country that has killed and expelled more Palestinian Arabs than any country in Middle East and even now is arbitrarily depriving Palestinians of Jordanian citizenship they've held for years.

And I loved the bit about defending Holy sites in Jerusalem. Most Israelis still remember well how the Jordanians treated Jewish property and holy sites during the 19 years Jordan occupied East Jerusalem.

But let's give these people the courtesy of taking them seriously.At present, Israel and Jordan have what would be more correctly titled an armistice that dates from 1994 than an actual peace.There are no real cultural exchanges and few if any tourists, and Jordan has never really observed the provisions of the treaty that call for a prohibition of hostile propaganda and `negative expression', but there is an absence of hostilities.

Fair's fair. If the treaty were abrogated and the embassies closed, I would expect the Jordanians to be willing to give up the material concessions they got from Israel as part of the deal:

  • Israel gave Jordan 300 square kilometers, and leased 2850 dunams (just under 3 kilometers) in the Arabah (Muvlaat Tzofar).Those properties obviously need to be swapped back, with the Jordanians returning the 300 kilometers of land they received back to Israel and the Israeli lease over the 3 kilometers at Muvlaat Tzofar being terminated.

  • As part of the treaty, Israel and Jordan agreed to cooperate on a fair division of the water of the Jordan River and the Arava's underground water resources. Since the Treaty is going to be history, Israel is no longer required to give Jordan 50 million cubes of water each year or to share the Yarmouk River so that Jordan has 3/4 of it.

  • Jordan was supposed to be given preference by Israel as a guardian or keeper of the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem in any future peace agreement with the Palestinians.Let's strike that as well, shall we?

  • And for good measure, the next time the Palestinians try to overthrow the Hashimite monarchy and take over the country Israel will just stand by and watch instead of fending off interested and greedy neighbors like the Syrians.

Nice deal while it lasted, but all things come to an end, don't they?

Or maybe, just maybe, it might be worth living in peace with the hated Yahoodi in the Zionist entity for now, yes Saddiq?

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