
Friday, September 11, 2009

Today's Must Reads, 9/11/09

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it to Natasha, our must reads Avatar..

  • The Hill:Obama sets the stage to use reconciliation maneuver to ram through government run healthcare bill

  • Bloomberg: WH resists reveling details on health care bill

  • FOX : : Wilson's outburst has Dems scrambling to close loophole for illegal aliens in ObamaCare

  • Don Surber: Why They Smear Joe Wilson

  • Krauthammer : The Van Jones Affair

  • Bill Whittle/PJTV : Video - The origins of liberalism and conservatism, a tale of two revolutions

  • Legal Insurrection: The House bill does cover illegals

  • Doug Ross :Obama's Health Care Speech; A Furious Fusillade of Lies

  • Ann Coulter :Liberal Lies About health care; Fourth in A Series

  • Victor Davis Hanson :Our national 9/11 schizophrenia

  • Pittsburg Post-Gazette : The heroes of flight 93

  • Gateway Pundit : Team Obama turns 9/11 into an interfaith "day of service"

  • Gerald Posner/Daily Beast : Mohammed Atta's successor

  • Israel National News : Islamists targeting Germany for next 9/11 "within weeks"

  • Flashback: -the late Michael Kelly's superb column after 9/11, "When Innocents are the Enemy" (h/t Soccer Dad)

  • FOX: ACORN Officials taped telling 'pimp' and 'prostitute' how to scam the IRS more at The Intolerant Fox and AmSpecBlog

  • Breaking -Second video of ACORN Officials in DC office shows them advising 'pimp' and 'prostitute' how to scam the IRS

    more at Big Government and Michelle Malkin

  • Miami Herald: Arrests made in ACORN voter fraud case

  • James O'Keefe Chaos For Glory; My Time With ACORN

  • Telegraph : White House Deeply Split Over More Troops for Afghanistan

  • Andrew McCarthy:
    Would Obama Really Fight the War in Afghanistan ?

  • Caroline Glick : America's exceptional ally

  • Melanie Phillips : The Goldstone ant-Israel show trial

  • Michael Freund : Obama's teachable Mideast moment

  • Janet Levy/American Thinker : Hijra -Modern Day Trojan Horse..The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration

  • BBC:Putin warns against Iran attack, opposes sanctions

  • WAPO:Iran's non-response - Can Obama deliver on tough sanctions?/a>

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