
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's Must Reads, 9/15/09

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it to Natasha, our must reads Avatar..

  • Politico:So far, Obama's failing miserably

  • George Will/Newsweek: Why nobody believes Obama

  • Victor Davis Hanson :Why Obama Blinked

  • Ace Of Spades: : Obama Administration: Hey, Joe Wilson was kind of right about that lying thing after all

  • WAPO: : House to vote on sanctions fo Wilson; Black Democrats lead push

  • Gateway Pundit: Video - Hypocrisy alert; Dem Rep. Pete Stark called Bush a liar on the House floor -twice

  • Reuters :Senate denies funds for ACORN more at Hot Air

  • Michelle Malkin :ACORN watch - Charlie Gibson and the Ostrich Media

  • Telegraph US credit shrinking at Great Depression rates

  • WSJ The protectionist president

  • The Economist :America, China, and protectionism

  • Amity Shlaes/Bloomberg: Obama's Wall Street speech invites the same meltdown he promises to avoid

  • Diana West: Female US Marines ordered to wear hijabs in Afghanistan

  • WAPO :Obama gives Afghan detainees right to challenge detention, have military legal advisers

  • Brett Stephens/WSJ: Obama is pushing Israel towards war

  • Barry Rubin: In the Middle East, fear trumps popularity

  • Ray Ibrahim: When Will Westerners Stop Westernizing Islamic Concepts? A little truth about zakat

  • Andrew Bostom : Afghanistan - In No Hurry For Freedom

  • Michael Freund/Jerusalem Post:Forget normalization - Saudi Arabia steps up boycott of Israel

  • David Horovitz Netanyahu's Tactical Victories

  • Melanie Phillips :Neville Chamberlain was a far sighted hero compared to this

  • Amos Harel/Ha'aretz : Iran is wasting the West's time

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