
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today's Must Reads, 9/24/09

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it to Natasha, our must reads Avatar..

  • Breitbart:Video - Netanyahu slams UN For giving Ahmadinejad a forum..'Have you no shame?'

  • Powerline: Obama takes the supplication of America to a new level

  • Dr. Sanity:Obama and the UN Lords

  • Victor Davis Hanson/NRO:Barack Obama as National College Administrator

  • Megan Fox:At UN Barack Obama comes across as gullible sap

  • Washington Times : Worst Foreign Policy Ever

  • Barry Rubin : The Obama doctrine - Force Your friends to give in, bribe your enemies

  • Ralph Peters: Afghan agony: More troops won't help

  • Huffington Post: McChrystal Report: 500,000 Troops Will Be Required Over Five Years in Afghanistan

  • Leslie Gelb/WSJ: Obama's befuddling Afghanistan policy

  • Ace of Spades: Sarah Palin takes Hong Kong

  • Breitbart : Palin slams Obama's spending in debut speech

  • Ann Coulter :Liberal lies about healthcare, #5 in a series

  • The Hill : Vulnerable Democrats say they lack political cover from Pelosi

  • Politico: GOP threatens strong reaction if Dems use reconciliation to push through health care bill

  • The Hill:Pelosi torpedoes public option 'trigger'

  • Jim Geraghty/NRO:Did Dem Senator Admits pay-for -play deal between Obama and Big Pharma ? more at Redstate

  • A/P News : Budget chief contradicts Obama on MediCare cuts

  • Dinah Lord :The Case of the Rocky Mountain Jihadi - Heads are rolling...dogs are sniffing.

  • WSJ:US al-Qaeda cell suspected

  • Pajamas Media Obama and ACORN- a love story

  • Washington Times:ACORN to sue Breitbart, filmamkers

  • FOX:Treasury Agrees to Formal Review Of ACORN

  • Michelle Malkin : Inside SEIU President Andy Stern's culture of corruption

  • IowaHawk : Earn Big $$$ The NEA Way!

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