
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today's Must Reads 9/30/09

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it to Natasha, our must reads Avatar..

  • The SCOTUSblog:Supreme Court to rule on Chicago anti-gun laws

  • Richard Cohen/WAPO: Time for Obama to act like a president

  • Politico:GOP's Boehner blasts Obama Olympics trip

  • Mark Steyn:What the Left is Telling Us

  • Stanley Kurtz /NRO:ACORN's close ties with the White House

  • Telegraph : Backlash against Hollywood defense of Polanski

  • Melissa Clouthier :Polanski deserves to do time for the crime now

  • WSJ:Sarkozy rips Obama's 'virtual disarmamment'

  • Caroline Glick :An enfeebled Obama

  • Jennifer Rubin/Commentary : Netanyahu's Speech for the Ages

  • Daniel Pipes: Netanyahu's quiet success

  • melanie PhillipsThe Human Rights Witch hunt

  • Jerusalem Post: Ashkelon rocket victim livid Goldstone report ignored her plight .

  • Gideon Rachman: Iran tests the world's collective will

  • Foreign Policy : What else is Iran hiding?

  • ABC News : Obama mulls Afghanistan decision on troops

  • FOX : McCain introduces amendment to require General McChrytal's testimony before committee

  • WAPO :Diverse Sources Fund Insurgency In Afghanistan

  • Ann Coulter :Liberal lies about healthcare, #5 in a series

  • Politico: Dem Congressman - "Republicans want you to die quickly"

  • WSWJ:Why tort reform is off-limits to Democrats

  • The Hill :Dem senators gut photo ID requirements for immigrants on proposed federal health care more: Dem Senators on finance committee vote down abortion amendment

  • WSJ: Why Obama bombed on health care

  • ABC News: Special Congressional health care perks

  • WSJ:Country Wide burned tapes of conversations with Public Officials discussing `sweat heart' mortgages...

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