
Friday, November 06, 2009

Miss England Gives Up Crown Over Bar Fight

Just a little funny to start the weekend..

LONDON — The reigning Miss England has relinquished her crown after being accused of a fight in a bar.

Pageant organizers say Rachel Christie has also withdrawn from next month's Miss World competition in South Africa.

They said in a statement that the 21-year-old heptathlete will now focus on clearing her name and training for the 2012 Olympics.

British newspapers reported that Christie got into a dustup with another beauty queen — Miss Manchester Sara Beverley Jones — in a nightclub earlier this week.

You know, they're really missing an opportunity here. Why not set up a bar fight cage match between these two as a runoff event in the 'talent' portion of the show?

I bet you the TV ratings would skyrocket!

At any rate,it's good to see that the martial spirit is not entirely dead in Britain...


1 comment:

  1. B.Poster8:32 AM

    I agree. That's a great idea. I had the same idea a few months ago when some hotties I know were fighting but I don't have the money or the connections to arrange such a thing. The managers of Britian's beauty pageant systems should be able to arrange this.

    So they got into a fight in a bar. While we don't condone this, this is something that young 20 somethings do. There's hardly any thing earth shattering here. Forcing her or encouraging her to give up her crown seems a little to harsh to me.
