
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today's Must Reads 11/24/09

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it attention Natasha, our must reads Avatar..she loves mail.

  • McClatchy:Source - Obama to send 35,000 troops to Afghanistan

  • Mudville Gazette: Leakiest Administration Ever?

  • CNN Poll :Americans divided over Afghan troop buildup

  • Victor Davis Hanson :Obama - where has the thrill gone?

  • Ralph Peters: Afraid to kill - 'Fighting' terror with wishful thinking

  • Politico: : Obama to announce Afghanistan decision December 1

  • Rasmussen: Poll shows Obama now at 45% Gallup: 49% FOX News: 46%

  • Matt Yglesias :Anti-war Dem Congressmen plan 'pay as you fight' tax increases for Afghanistan

  • WSJ Lieberman vows to filibuster ObamaCare

  • Newsbusters Katie Couric uses Christmas poem to campaign on the air for ObamaCare

  • Rich Lowry :The Democrat's health care delusion

  • Heritage Foundation:Illegal aliens will be covered under new health care bill

  • Robin of Berkeley/American Thinker: The Wilding Of Sarah Palin

  • AP :Palin Book sells 700,000 copies in first week

  • Hot Air :9/11 Deatinee lawyers - trial will become their platform to the world

  • Breitbart :Hasan's Attorney says Fort Hood suspect may use insanity defense...

  • Christopher Hitchens: The "war on terrorism" didn't cause Ft. hood shootings

  • Soccerdad: clinton's faulty memory

  • Andrew Bostom : Islamism or Islam?—Islamist or Islamic?

  • P. David Hornik/ Pajamas Media :Abusing Israel, the fashionable thing to do

  • Big Government ACORN illegaly tries to dispose of compromising material in dumpster, compromising political and financial docs seized

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