
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Very Revealing Chart on Obama's 'Job Creation'

Above is a chart that gives us a graphic illustration of how failed president Obama's policies actually are. (Click to enlarge)

Here we have the current 'official' unemployment rates in the top fifty US metro areas. I say official in scare quotes because the actual unemployment rates are much higher when you account for small businessmen,professionals and entrepeneurs who went under and are looking for work but aren't receiving unemployment, people who are underemployed and people who have simply become discouraged and stopped looking. If th enational overall rate is 10.2, many experts extrapolate that to an actual rate of 17.5 I would say that 15% is likely a good midpoint.

When you look at the chart, the first thing you notice is that the cities with the lowest unemployment, far below the national average with numbers in the 1% range are Washington DC and Baltimore, which is actually part of the overall DC metro area.

This is no coincidence,because that's where the few jobs the Obama economy has 'saved or created' are - working for the federal government!

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