
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today's Must Reads 12/15/09

Welcome to today's must reads in news, politics and opinion.

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself.Or if you prefer, you can send it attention Natasha, our must reads Avatar..she loves mail.

  • WSJ: Democrats Drop Plan to Expand Medicare

  • Byron York : Why Democrats push health care, even if it kills them

  • The Strata-Sphere :Obamacare – All Penalties, No Bennies

  • RedState :Dems Offer Sen. Nelson up to $500 Billion, er Million in Earmarks For His Vote

  • Weekly Standard: Dems Threaten Nelson In Pursuit of 60

  • The Note/ABC : Left targets Rahm Emanuel In TV Ads

  • Rhymes With Right :Is Obama A Ninth Grader?

  • Mark Steyn:Once more from the top, Barack!

  • Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion :Palin's Turning Point

  • Jake Tapper/ABC: Some Gitmo detainees headed to Illinois prison

  • London Times Iran's Explosive Deceit

  • Long War Journal:Pakistan Ignores US on terrorist crackdown

  • Jerusalem post :US missile defense drill to simulate an Iranian attack

  • Danielle Pletka/ WAPO: Why a nuclear Iran can't be contained

  • London Times:Secret Documents Expose Iran's Nuclear Trigger

  • The Hindu :The Global reach of Pakistani terrorism

  • Russian Military Reform :Russia's Dying Navy

  • Amir Taheri/London Times : Symbolic gestures won’t deter Iranian regime

  • Dinah Lord: Iraqi Christians 'subdued' for Christmas holidays

  • Jerusalem Post: Islamic Terrorist Found Guilty In Second trial For 2006 Attack On Seattle Jewish Center

  • Caroline Glick:Narcissists and Madmen

  • Jerusalem Post
    British court issues arrest warrant for ex-Israeli FM Tzipi Livni as 'war criminal'

  • YNetHamas says will unite with Iran if Israel attacks

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