
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today's Must reads, 12/22/09

Welcome to today's must reads in news, politics and opinion, hand picked by Natasha.

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself. Or if you prefer, you can send it attention Natasha, our official must reads Avatar..she loves mail.

  • Rasmussen: 56% Disapproval rate for Obama

  • Politico : Another Dem Congressman switches to GOP

  • Weekly Standard :ACORN qualifies for funding in Senate Health Care bill

  • Weekly Standard :Senate Bill Says Future Congresses Need Super-majority To Repeal Parts Of ObamaCare

  • Financial Times: Reid defends back room deals

  • WAPO:$100 Million Payoff For Senator Chris Dodd

  • CBS :Dem Senator Harkin - Vote bribes 'small Stuff, Dems focused on big picture'

  • Peter Wehner, Commentary : The Health-Care backlash

  • Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion :Representative Democracy Thrown Away In Senate Bill

  • Rich Lowry : Ben Nelson, legislator of the year

  • George Will: Obama's dubious 'wins' in Copenhagen and Congress

  • Michelle Bachmann & Andrew McCarthy Congress Can Stop the KSM Trial

  • Jonathan Tobin/Commentary:Obama’s Engagement Fallout: Lebanon Surrenders

  • Robin Braithwaite/Financial Times :The Road To Failure In Afghanistan

  • Victor Davis Hanson: Our flip flopping wars

  • London Times:Secret Documents Expose Iran's Nuclear Trigger

  • WSJ :The People's Revolt in Iran

  • Robin Wright, Time :Iran's Opposition Loses a Mentor, Gains A Martyr

  • Jamsheed K. Choksy/HuffPo
    :Montazeri's Limited Tolerance of Non-Muslims

  • Dinah Lord:Hundreds of British Muslim schoolgirls facing female genital mutilation

  • John Bolton: Rally The Patriots In Iran

  • Victor Davis Hanson:Obama and the Malleability of History

  • Commentary
    The Illegal-Settlements Myth

  • Jerusalem PostThe Fateful Decision

  • 1 comment:

    1. B.Poster8:32 AM

      The politco article about Mr. Griffith's switch to the Republican party is interestsing. Frankly I think BOTH major parties are bad for American interests so in some ways it is irrelevant to me which party this man chooses to align himself with.

      Nevertheless it does illustrate something. When a Republican switches to the Democratic party, all the media outlets report it. When a Democrat switches to the Republican party, the only place it receives any prominent reporting is on an obscure website that very few people know any thing about called
