
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Aieee! Some More Rats Jump off The SS Obama!

Earlier today, it was Democrat Senator Kent Dorgan facing up to the inevitable and 'resigning'.

Now, in the same day,it's Connecticut's Chris Dodd ...the Senator from CountryWide:

Embattled Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd (D) has scheduled a press conference at his home in Connecticut Wednesday at which he is expected to announce he will not seek re-election, according to sources familiar with his plans.

Dodd's retirement comes after months of speculation about his political future, and amid faltering polling numbers and a growing sense among the Democratic establishment that he could not win a sixth term. It also comes less than 24 hours after Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) announced he would not seek re-election.

State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is widely expected to step into the void filled by Dodd and, at least at first blush, should drastically increase Democrats' chances of holding the seat.

Followed by Colorado Governor Bill Ritter...and the shoo-in for the governor's nomination in Michigan,Lt. Gov. John Cherry, who dropped out of the running.

The Fix's Chris Cillizza is likely right..Dodd leaving gives the Dems a much better chance of hanging on to the seat, although that also makes it good news for Joe Liebermen, who Blumenthal had already announced he was planning to run against.

Dodd may even have been pushed rather than jumping.

Dorgan, Ritter and Cherry,on the other hand, likely represent losses for the Dems.

And as the year progresses, I think we're going to see a lot more rats leaving the ship.


  1. louielouie10:59 AM

    "these people" have feathered their respective nests enough and are just going to enjoy theirselves. maybe join up on a daschle junket or two.
    why work at screwing up the country and/or screwing the citizens of this country anymore.
    they've done enough of that. now just sit back and enjoy the effects of doing the screwing.
    i still stand by my prediction of the dims picking up a net two seats in the senate and a minimum of 10 seats in the house. the socialists are just angry that hussein has not shredded the constitution yet. that will come in 2011.
    there was something i wanted to say about hair and a sack, but can't recall what it was at this time.

  2. Rats jumping ship - yup, you are correct... but keep in mind who still has the ship...

    They will be same skipper and crew who had it from 1995-2006 and 2001-2009... you want more of that?

    Both parties will NEVER change until we change them.

    My Dartboard for all the Weasels

    Stop by and pass the word.

  3. Hi Dan,
    Oh, I don't think so...

    1) People are angry enough that they're going to insist on soemthing different

    2) Events are going to demand it.

    Watch and see.

