
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust - Obama's Nominee To head The TSA Withdraws

You'll remember I had a piece previously about Obama's questionable choice to head the floundering TSA, Errol Southers

Even though he was caught lying under oath to Congress, was a huge advocate for unionizing the current crop TSA employees ( imagine what a nightmare that would be) and had some highly questionable views on his understanding of exactly whom was posing the kind of threats the TSA should be focusing on, he looked like he was in..until last night:

The Obama administration's choice to lead the struggling Transportation Security Administration withdrew his name from consideration Wednesday, just weeks after revelations that he had provided misleading information to Congress prompted several Republicans to suggest his nomination would not move forward without a fight.

Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent and homeland security specialist, was presented as a leader who would improve the TSA's sprawling operations and improve passenger screening to prevent such attacks as the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner.

..."It is apparent that this path has been obstructed by political ideology," he said. "My nomination has become a lightning rod for those who have chosen to push a political agenda at the risk of the safety and security of the American people. This partisan climate is unacceptable and I refuse to allow myself to remain part of their dialogue."

Oh please, Errol....just say raa-a-aa-cism and have done with it. Like there were no good reasons for anyone in Congress to vote against you.

Here's a sample of Errol Southers in action, showing exactly what kind of terrorists he thinks the TSA should concentrate on:

Good riddance.

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